A Vent on Anime and Cartoons

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Feb 20, 2014
Hoenn Region
Alright, I feel like I have to get this out of my system and have you guys listen to what I have to say.

So as an avid watcher of anime, it disappoints me that so many people look down on said art form. It legitimately saddens me to see the mainstream media more or less, and please excuse my language, shit on anime, comparing them to childish cartoons that those young kids watch nowadays. And for all of the people that hop onto the anime-hate bandwagon, I ask all but one simple favor.

Please just actually watch one.

No, I don't mean watch Gravity Falls or Adventure Time. I mean go watch an animated show with its targeted demographic being Japanese. A show where it was produced and released in the Asian nation of Japan. Many people don't realize that they've already watched an anime. Remember Pokemon? Believe it or not, it's an anime. It was produced, dubbed, and released by a Japanese animation studio in Japan first and then internationally aired later in other countries and in other languages.

If people just took a couple hours out of their day to experience the trip that is anime, I guarantee that it would change their perspective on the whole medium. It projects a whole new culture upon the viewer and I think that's the whole reason why it's so interesting to us people in the west. Sure the oversexualization of women and the ideas of anime may put off some people, but that's just how Japan is. Their view on sexuality very much so differs from ours, and I think people need to understand this. Japan contains a totally different culture than ours and we need to accept this to fully enjoy anime.

I'm not trying to tell you guys to watch an anime right now and fully enjoy it, but to just understand it. Once you get past the fact that Japan is different from us, you can relax and watch anime with ease just like you would with shows in the States like Supernatural or The Walking Dead. To the Japanese, I bet the idea of Supernatural or The Walking Dead seems bizarre. It's all a matter of understanding each other's culture, ideas, and ideals.

So now, the people comparing anime to cartoons. Look, they are two separate things. Anime is any animation production done by a Japanese animation studio and usually features realistic and faithful facial features and physical characteristics of humans. Cartoons are usually done with a 2D look to them. The anatomy of the characters in cartoons are heavily shifted around to enhance the satire and humor they are trying to convey. The chord I'm trying to strike here is that the two are different. That's all there is too it.

And I know what you're all thinking. 

"Why is this weeaboo trying to defend anime so badly?"

Well, the answer to that completely offensive question is that I am not. I am just happening to be defending anime while venting out my anger. I'm sorry if this does not fit into the forums, but I felt like this needed to get out there some way or another. Thanks for taking the time to read through this whole thing, I'm just venting here.
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