GroovySoap and the issues he faces

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Active Member
May 28, 2017
I have been having a blast on the server helping people and just trying to have a good time. From making friends, to making enemies. everything seems to be fun. However I need to bring forth some bad news, I am uncertain about my future. I will be starting a job program to help me get on track and get me a job to get money. In other words I might not be on as often or even worse never get on ever again. I get on here to get away from the real world and have fun, I have minor depression and I always think of the worst possible outcome of everything I do. I built this alter ego to keep me up then forgetting the biggest issue of all. money. I do not have a job and I'm 21. I need to change even if It means losing all of this. I had big dreams for this server and unfinished plans that I wanted to be completed. Of course this is not goodbye (which is why its not in the intro's and departure section) I just wanted to let everyone know of my current situation irl. 

And for those I have upsetted over the couple of months playing with you guys I humbly apologize for any actions put towards you or any of the things I have done to be rude. 

I will see you all on the server.. Hopefully

Keeping things fun and friendly


Minecraft Donator
May 30, 2017
Best of luck on your occupational endeavors Groovy. I appreciate you and really do hope you hop on to see us from time to time!
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