The Sony Pictures Hack Was Even Worse Than Everyone Thought

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May 2, 2013
It's time to take a moment of silence for Sony Pictures, because more startling revelations about leaked information just came out and employees are starting to panic. BuzzFeed raked through some 40 gigabytes of data and found everything from medical records to unreleased scripts. This is probably the worst corporate hack in history.

We already knew that the Sony Pictures hack was bad, but this is just absurd. BuzzFeed's discoveries include documents detailing "employee criminal background checks, salary negotiations, and doctors' letters explaining the medical rationale for leaves of absence." They also include "the script for an unreleased pilot written by Breaking Bad creator Vince Gilligan to the results of sales meetings with local TV executives." Better call Saul.

Meanwhile, Fusion's Kevin Roose is reporting on what exactly happened at Sony Pictures when the hack went down. The hack was evidently so extensive that even the company gym had to shut down. And once the hackers started releasing the data, people started "freaking out," one employee said. That saddest part about all of this is that the very worst is probably still to come. Hackers say they stole 100 terabytes of data in total. If only 40 gigabytes contained all of this damning information, just imagine what 100 terabytes contains.
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